
Ul traSe cure Coded Valet Mode
Your se cret valet code
NOTE: If you tem po rar ily lose the use of your re mote con trols, you can dis arm the
sys tem by ena bling valet mode.
All car alarms have a valet mode that turns off the security features. This mode is also used
to turn off the alarm if it is not responding to the remote. However, thieves can disable other
alarms in seconds by hotwiring the ignition and flicking the alarm’s easy-to-find “hidden
valet switch. In contrast, your system has safeguards to ensure a thief cannot enable the
valet mode as a way of “turning off” your system. How? To enable valet mode, the driver
must enter a secret valet code on the PlainView switch. Your factory preset code is
noted on the inside front cover of this manual. You may, whenever you wish, change
the code to one of your own choosing. In valet mode, the system’s AutoArming feature
(see page 9) and all the security features are turned off. At various times, you will need to
switch the system off, such as when washing your car.
Your factory- set valet code is noted on the in side front cover of this man ual. As
such, you should NOT keep this man ual in your ve hi cle, since it could be dis cov -
ered by a thief.
n Digit: A digit is defined as any number from 0 to 9, inclusive.
n Valet code: Your valet code is the factory preset 4-digit number noted on the
inside front cover of this manual, or one that you have chosen and programmed.
n Plain View switch: A rocker switch mounted on the dashboard or console. The
switch has three positions: 1.) Latched 2.) Centre 3.) Spring-loaded momentary.
When you press the latched side, the switch remains in its pressed position. When
you press the momentary side, the switch bounces back to the centre position.
n En ter ing a digit:To enter a digit, you tap (press and release) on the momentary
side of the PlainView switch the number of times corresponding to the numeral of
the digit to be entered, followed by pressing to the latched side, then returning the
switch to its centre position.
n En ter ing a code: To enter your 4-digit code, just repeat the above for each digit
of your code. If the digit is a zero, you will simply move the switch to its center
position, then to the latched side as noted in the following example:
EX AM PLE: To en ter a code of 1203, you would move the
switch thusly: Mo men tary, latched, mo men tary, mo men -
tary, latched, cen tre, latched, mo men tary, mo men tary,
mo men tary, latched, cen ter.
NOTE: You may NOT se lect a code that be gins with a zero. The first digit of your
code must be 1–9.