Destination directory name
Specify the destination directory name of the file transmission (copy).
Specify the directory name in accordance with the naming rules of OS used on the transmission
(copy) destination side.
If “/SC” option is specified, this parameter can be disabled.
Add a "\" to the end of the directory name as the delimiter.
Example: “b:\” Root directory specification
“b:\PA\12\” Sub-directory specification
“b:\PA” Incorrect specification
FCHK.LOG file output directory name
Specify the output destination directory name of the FCHK.LOG file.
Specify the directory name in accordance with the naming rules of OS on the local machine
Add a "\" to the end of the directory name as the delimiter.
If this parameter is omitted, the FCHK.LOG file will be created in the current directory.
Example: “b:\” Root directory specification
“b:\PA\12\” Sub-directory specification
“b:\PA” Incorrect specification
Startup Examples
FCHKCE /G “\casio\
.dat” “\casio data\“ “\casio\“
This transfers all files under the "\casio\" directory of the transmission side of PA-2400W which
have a "dat" extension to the "\casio data\" directory of the communication partner side.
And, create list file in the “\casio\
directory of the transmission side.
FCHKCE /G /R “\casio\
.dat” “\casio data\“ “\casio\“
This transfers all files under the "\casio\" directory (including sub-directories) of the transmission
side of PA-2400W which have a "dat" extension to the "\casio data\" directory of the communication
partner side. And, create list file in the “\casio\
directory of the transmission side.
FCHKCE /G /SC “\casio\fchkce.scr” “\casio\“
This creates list file in the "\casio\" directory of the transmission side of PA-2400W by following content
of script file “fchkce.scr” in the "\casio\" directory of the transmission side.