8.3 Operation Method
This File Check Utility is to check if a file has been correctly copied to other PA-2400W or not.
In this chapter, operating method to copy a file from PC to PA-2400W via RS-232C interface is described.
Downloading file from PC to PA-2400W
Fig. 8.1
1) Set a file correctly at the PC side which is to be downloaded to PA-2400W.
2) Specify the file at command line and creation of list file (FCHK.LOG).
3) Create list file on transmission side of PC by using the File Check utility.
FCHK /G [/Option] <file name list or Script file name>
<Destination directory name> [FCHK.LOG File output Directory name]
FCHK.LOG file is generated [FCHK.LOG file = list file]
4) As file is copied to PA-2400W (use H/PC’s Explorer, etc. to copy), FCHK.LOG file should be
copied as well to the <Destination directory name> directory file that is specified by parameter.
(FCHK.LOG file must be copied along with the file.)
5) By having the File Check utility run on the PA-2400W, make sure that the file and list file
(FCHK.LOG) are correctly copied (transferred from PC to PA-2400W).
Transmission side (PC)
Reception side (PA-2400W)
RS-232C Interface