7.7 Method of Describing Pathname
Enclose every pathname in a pair of parentheses. A pathname must have a length of 255 characters or
less including the two parentheses. A 2-byte code character is counted as one character.
Example: FLCE /S "\asio data\*.dat" "d:\data\"
Pathnames must be described in accordance with the path naming rules supported by OS of the
machine on which the specified path is to be placed.
Observe the following rules on drive letters when describing pathnames:
1. Describe a pathname on the PA-2400W so it begins with root directory, without including a
drive letter. (This rule should also be applied when the pathname of file or directory on the PA-
2400W is specified from the upload/down utility (LMWIN) for host PC.)
2. If a pathname with a drive letter is specified from the communication partner, the drive letter will
be ignored by the FLCE on host PC. (In other words, this pathname specification is treated as
being equal to a specification that begins with root directory without a drive letter.)
3. If the communication partner (PC, etc.) runs under an OS that requires drive letter specification,
and if the PA-2400W needs to describe the pathname of file or directory on the partner side,
always attach an appropriate drive letter.
However, as an exception to 2. above, if the communication partner side designates a device on the Windows
CE machine for retrieving the format or other disk information, define a drive letter as follows. These setups
can be modified as required by making the appropriate description in the registry.
Default setting : Internal RAM C: (Define the boot drive as C: to meet with
specifications of PC/AT machine.)
PC card D:
Table 7.3 Summary of drive letter handling
Pathname specification on Windows CE Pathname specification on other
Specify file or directory Not required (ignored if described) Depends on the OS.
Specify device Follows the above mentioned rules. Depends on the OS.
Drive letters D and E are used for external storage devices if concurrent use of multiple PC cards (compact
flash card, ATA flash card) is allowed..
Identification between multiple PC cards depends on the Windows CE’s specifications. Directory names of
multiple PC cards are determined according to the order in which they were inserted into each slot, for
example, "\Storage Card" and "\Storage Card2", thus no differentiation is made between these two cards
in terms of device type. This is why neither of the cards can be assigned a fixed drive letter.