7.8 Conditions at Communication Partner
7.8.1 Rules of Naming File and Directory Pathname
Specify the pathname of file or directory at the communication partner according to the naming rules of
communication partner-side OS.
Table 7.4
8.3 format Long file name Drive letter
Windows95 /Windows NT Required (Error if omitted)
DOS X Required (Error if omitted)
Windows CE Not required (Ignored if specified)
: Specification permitted
X : Results in invalid pathname and termination from error if specified.
7.8.2 Specifying Non-existing File
If the pathname of file or directory which does not exist at the communication partner side, the following
processing is performed;
Table 7.5
Communication partner Reception Delete Move Transmission,
Transmission (append)
Windows 95/Windows NT
Windows CE A C B D
Meaning of the alphabets:
A: Abnormally terminated if any of the multiple pathnames specified does not exist (even a file that
actually exists will not be transferred).
B: Abnormally terminated if the specified pathname does not exist (transfer is not achieved).
C: If the specified pathname includes a pathname that does not exist, that pathname will be ignored
(existing pathnames will be processed).
D: A new file will be created.