• Performing step 5 in the above procedure not only changes the measurement value, it
also locks the measurement. For details about locking and unlocking measurements, see
“Locking or Unlocking a Measurement of an Object” (page 14-47).
• Specifying a value can change an object in a way that is unexpected. If this happens, try
locking part(s) of the object (page 14-47) or temporarily unlock all objects (Clr Constraint,
page 14-48).
u To specify the length of one side of a triangle
• Specifying any one of the following measurements for the first time in the file you are editing
(or immediately after an all clear operation: 2(Edit) – 6:Clear All) will cause the resulting
object to be resized so it fits within the display area.
- Length of one side of a triangle
- Length of a line segment or vector
- Length of one side of a rectangle, square, polygon, or regular n-gon
- Circumference of a circle or length of an arc
View Window settings will be reconfigured automatically so the size of the object on the
display may not appear to change very much.
The following example shows what happens when the length of the base of a triangle drawn
with default View Window settings (with a screen width of 10.7) is changed to 120.
View Window settings are reconfigured in order to ensure that specifying a measurement of
an object does not make it too bit to fit on the screen or too small to see. Note that all other
objects currently on the screen also will be resized by the same amount at the object whose
measurement you are specifying.
• Once you specify one measurement of an object, it will not be resized further if you specify
another of its measurements.