k History Function
The history function maintains a history of calculation expressions and results in the Math
input/output mode. Up to 30 sets of calculation expressions and results are maintained.
You can also edit the calculation expressions that are maintained by the history function and
recalculate. This will recalculate all of the expressions starting from the edited expression.
Example To change “1+2” to “1+3” and recalculate
Perform the following operation following the sample shown above.
• You can get a rough idea of how many entries (calculation expressions and results) are
contained in history by checking the length of the scroll bar. A shorter bar indicates a greater
number of entries.
• The value stored in the answer memory is always dependent on the result produced by
the last calculation performed. If history contents include operations that use the answer
memory, editing a calculation may affect the answer memory value used in subsequent
- If you have a series of calculations that use the answer memory to include the result of the
previous calculation in the next calculation, editing a calculation will affect the results of all
the other calculations that come after it.
- When the first calculation of the history includes the answer memory contents, the answer
memory value is “0” because there is no calculation before the first one in history.