Function: This command specifies execution of another program as a subroutine. In the
Run-Matrix mode, this command executes a new program.
Syntax: Prog "file name"
Example: Prog "ABC"
• Even when this command is located inside of a loop, its execution immediately breaks the
loop and launches the subroutine.
• This command can be used as many times as necessary inside of a main routine to call up
independent subroutines to perform specific tasks.
• A subroutine can be used in multiple locations in the same main routine, or it can be called
up by any number of main routines.
Main Routine Subroutines
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
• Calling up a subroutine causes it to be executed from the beginning. After execution of the
subroutine is complete, execution returns to the main routine, continuing from the statement
following the Prog command.
• A Goto~Lbl command inside of a subroutine is valid inside of that subroutine only. It cannot
be used to jump to a label outside of the subroutine.
• If a subroutine with the file name specified by the Prog command does not exist, an error
• In the Run-Matrix mode, inputting the Prog command and pressing w launches the
program specified by the command.
Function: This command returns from a subroutine.
Syntax: Return
Description: Execution of the Return command inside a main routine causes execution of
the program to stop. Execution of the Return command within a subroutine terminates the
subroutine and returns to the program from which the subroutine was jumped to.
Prog "E" Prog "I" Prog "J"
Prog "D"
Prog "C"
Prog "E" Prog "I" Prog "J"
Prog "D"
Prog "C"