Parameters: condition, numeric expression
(1) If ~ Then ~ IfEnd
• When the condition is true, execution proceeds with the Then-statement and then
continues with the statement following IfEnd.
• When the condition is false, execution jumps to the statement following IfEnd.
(2) If ~ Then ~ Else ~ IfEnd
• When the condition is true, execution proceeds with the Then-statement and then jumps
to the statement following IfEnd.
• When the condition is false, execution jumps to the Else-statement and then continues
with the statement following IfEnd.
Function: This command repeats everything between the For-statement and the Next-
statement. The starting value is assigned to the control variable with the first execution, and
the value of the control variable is changed according to the step value with each execution.
Execution continues until the value of the control variable exceeds the ending value.
Syntax: For <starting value> → <control variable name> To <ending value>
Step <step value> <statement>
• control variable name: A to Z, r,
• starting value: value or expression that produces a value (i.e. sin x , A, etc.)
• ending value: value or expression that produces a value (i.e. sin
x , A, etc.)
• step value: numeric value (default: 1)
• The default step value is 1.
• Making the starting value less than the ending value and specifying a positive step value
causes the control variable to be incremented with each execution. Making the starting
value greater than the ending value and specifying a negative step value causes the control
variable to be decremented with each execution.
Function: This command repeats specific commands as long as its condition is true (non-
LpWhile < condition >
numeric expression