2.4.3 The hello world sample program (CGI
One of the sample projects included with Irie Pascal is named hellocgi, and is a Common Gateway
Interface (CGI) version of the hello sample project. When the hellocgi project is run, it generates a web
page with the message "Hello world!". Compiling this project and installing the executable on your web
server is a useful way to check whether you have correctly configured the web server to execute Irie
Pascal CGI programs.
NOTE: CGI is a very simple and popular way of integrating programs with web servers. You can find
further information about CGI on the web (including on the Irie Tools website at the following URL:
www.irietools.com/cgi). There are also numerous books available that cover CGI.
2.4.4 The hello world sample program (Windows
API version)
One of the sample projects included with Irie Pascal is named hellowin, and is a Windows API version of
the hello project. When the hellowin project is run, it uses the Windows API to display the message
"Hello world!" in a Windows message box.
3.1 How to get help
See getting help for information on the available Irie Pascal help resources and how to access them.
3.2 How to buy
See buying licenses for information on how to buy Irie Pascal licenses.
3.3 How to contact Irie Tools
Contact Information
sales@irietools.com (for sales related enquiries)
support@irietools.com (for customer support enquiries)
sking@irietools.com (for all other enquiries)
Postal Mail:
Attn: Stuart King