checked then same search will succeed.
Up option box - This is where you indicate that you want the search to go upwards (i.e. go
backwards in the file).
Down option box - This is where you indicate that you want the search to go downwards (i.e. go
forwards in the file).
Find Next button - Use this button to search for the next instance of the text in the Find
what text box. NOTE: The Find dialog box remains on the screen after the search is completed,
so that you can easily repeat the search.
Cancel button - Use this button to remove the Find dialog box from the screen. If you want to
repeat a search after clicking the Cancel button, then you can use the Find Again menu entry in
the Search menu. The Replace Dialog
The Replace dialog box is used to search for and replace text in the current file, and is a part of the
Windows Common Dialog Library. Since the Replace dialog box is a part of Windows and not a part of
the Irie Pascal IDE, its look and functionality is subject to change, and may not correspond exactly to the
documentation below.
This Replace dialog box should look similar to the image shown below:
This Replace dialog box contains the following elements:
Find what text box - This is where you would type the text you want to search for.
Replace with text box - This is where you would type the replacement text.
Match whole word only check box - This is where you would specify whether you want the
search to succeed only if the text is a whole word (i.e. when the text is not embedded in a word).
For example, when this check box is checked, then a search for the text for will not find anything
in the word form because the for in form is embedded. On the other hand, when this check box is
not checked the same search will find the embedded for in form.
Match case check box - This is where you would specify whether you want the search to be case
sensitive. For example, when this check box is checked, then a search for the text for will not find
For, or FOR because the case does not match. On the other hand, when this check box is not
checked then same search will succeed.
Find Next button - Use this button to search for the next instance of the text in the Find
what text box. NOTE: The Replace dialog box remains on the screen after the search is
completed, so that you can easily repeat the search.
Replace button - Use this button to search for the next instance of the text in the Find what text
box, and replace it with the text in the Replace with text box.
Replace All button - Use this button to search for all instances of the text in the Find what text
box, and replace them with the text in the Replace with text box.
Cancel button - Use this button to remove the Replace dialog box from the screen.