
" Assignment overflow"
When this option is enabled, your program will check each time a value is assigned to a string or set
variable, to make sure that the value is not too long to fit. If the value it too long to fit in the variable then
an assignment overflow error is generated.
" I/O errors"
When this option is enabled, your program will check each I/O operation for errors.
" Range errors"
When this option is enabled, your program will check for range errors. Some possible causes of range
errors are:
Attempts to assign or read in values which are not assignment compatible with a particular type to
a variable of that type. For example given the declaration below:
var bit : 0..1;
the assignment below will cause a range error:
bit := 2;
Attempts to access element outside of array bounds. For example given the declaration below:
var x : array[-4..10] of integer;
the attempt below to reference an out-of bounds array element will cause a range error:
" Stack overflow"
When this option is enabled, your program checks for stack overflow or underflow before each program
statement is executed. When this option is not enabled, your program checks for stack overflow or
underflow only at the beginning and end of each function/procedure call and when large values are placed
on the stack.
" Using undefined values"
When this option is enabled, your program checks each time a value, from a variable, or returned by a
function call, is accessed, to make sure that the value is not undefined. NOTE: Not all values can be
checked, checks are only made for values of the following types:
enumerated types (including boolean)
subranges of enumerated types
subranges of integer that do not include -1
file types
list types
object types
pointer types