-enn Allow non-numeric labels
-eop Enable non-standard operators
-eow Allow otherwise
-epr Enable non-standard procedures
-erd Allow relaxed declarations
-ety Enable non-standard types
-eui Allow underscores in identifiers
-eva Enable non-standard variables
-E Enable all extensions
-gs Generate a WinNT/2000 service
-hTEXT Add #!TEXT header
-i Trap I/O errors
-I Control informatory messages
-ln Insert line-number debug info
-mb Generate Borland compatible messages
-mc Display message context
-meN Set maximum errors
-mm Generate Microsoft compatible messages
-mwN Set maximum warnings
-nc Allow nested comments
-nu Non-standard unary operators
-oNAME Set output filename
-p Require parentheses
-r Trap range errors
-rtlf Send run-time errors to log file
-rtmb Send run-time errors to message box
-rtsc Send run-time errors to screen
-s Strict var strings
-sc Use short-circuit evaluation
-so Maximum stack overflow checking
-Snn Set stack size in K
-u Trap use of undefined values
-v Trap use of inactive variants
-W Control warning messages -aN Align on N bytes
This command-line compiler option specifies the maximum alignment used by the compiler.
Syntax: -aN(Sets maximum alignment to N)
Default: Maximum alignment is 4.
Notes: See also specify align size -ao* Trap assignment overflow errors
This command-line compiler option enables/disables assignment overflow checking.
Syntax: -ao[+|-]
Default: Enabled
Notes: See also Assignment overflow checking.