Chapter 3
Configuring the Trap Table
A few words about traps; accessing the Trap Table window; configuring the trap table
About Traps
The FRX4000, FRX6000, and the SmartSwitch 1800 have the ability to issue
unsolicited SNMP traps to notify management stations of unusual events. These
traps will not be issued, however, until the deviceÕs trap table has been properly
conÞgured, designating one or more workstations to receive the traps and
selecting the traps that will be sent. This conÞguration can be performed via the
Trap Table.
Launching the Trap Table
To launch the Trap Table:
1. Click on the button to display the Device menu.
2. Drag down to Trap Table, and release. The Trap Table window, Figure 3-1, will
SPMA does not accept the trap messages; that task is left to your network management
platform. (See the appropriate network management system documentation for details
about viewing trap messages.) If you are using SPMA in a stand-alone mode, traps
directed to a workstation which does not have some facility for accepting them will be
In addition, so that your network management platform can interpret the FRX trap
messages, you must have properly installed and conÞgured the Cabletron trap Þle
included with your software. This process should have occurred during installation; see
your Installing and Using... guide for details.