SNA Status and Configuration
7-4 Configuring SNA Ports
Possible line speed entries are:
75 64000 512000 1008000 1472000
150 72000 560000 1024000 1512000
300 112000 576000 1064000 1536000
600 128000 616000 1088000 1568000
1200 168000 640000 1120000 1600000
2400 192000 672000 1152000 1624000
4800 224000 704000 1176000 1664000
9600 256000 728000 1216000 1668000
14400 280000 768000 1232000 1728000
19200 320000 784000 1280000 1792000
24000 336000 832000 1288000 1856000
28800 384000 840000 1344000 1920000
38400 392000 896000 1400000 1984000
48000 448000 952000 1408000 2048000
56000 504000 960000 1456000
If you enter a value that is within the valid range but not equal to one of the
values listed above, the speed will be rounded up. If an RS-232 DCE port is
directly connected to the DTE via the standard Cabletron cable, the maximum
supported speed is 64000. If longer cabling is used, the maximum speed is 19200.
MAX Retries
This is the maximum number of times the port will attempt to send a frame if the
physical unit (PU) is not responding. A larger value increases the probability of an
eventual correct transfer between DTE and DCE, but a smaller value permits
faster detection of a permanent error condition. The default value for this
parameter is 5.
Inactivity Timer
This parameter is only relevant if PAD Type (see below) is HPAD. It is the amount
of time (in seconds) that the FRX will wait with no activity on the port before it
declares the port is down. The default value for this parameter is 50.
Physical Port Interface
The physical port interface is deÞned by the portÕs connector and cabling type,
and must be conÞgured as follows:
¥ For the FRX4000 and SmartSwitch 1800, port 0 and port 1 are always RS-232;
¥ For the FRX4000, ports 2 and 3 are determined by the attached cables: RS-232,
V.35, RS-449, or X.21;
If you have installed the optional CSU/DSU card on an FRX4000 or SmartSwitch 1800,
it will logically take port 1, and you must conÞgure certain CSU/DSU parameters
through console management. Refer to your FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 hardware
documentation for more information.