X.25 Status and Configuration
6-4 Configuring X.25 Physical Ports
Setup Timer
The Setup Timer only has a function if the port you are conÞguring is a dial port;
that is, if the port is connected to a dial modem. The setup timer starts when the
port enters the linkup state. Use this Þeld to enter a time period (in seconds). If
there is no response from the other end before the time period expires, the port
will enter the failed state.
Max Packet Size
Use this Þeld to specify the maximum data packet size that will be allowed to pass
through this X.25 port. The packet size included in a call setup packet will be
used, as long as it is smaller than the maximum speciÞed here. Valid values are
128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096.
Default Packet Size
The value entered in this Þeld will be assigned to an incoming call setup packet if
the packet does not include a packet size. Valid values are 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512,
1024, 2048, and 4096.
Max UnACK Packets/Channel
This speciÞes the maximum number of sequentially numbered frames that can be
waiting for acknowledgment by the destination device. If this number is
exceeded, no frames will be transmitted until an acknowledgment is received.
Setup Packet Window Size
This speciÞes a default window size that will be assigned to an incoming call
setup packet if the packet does not include a window size. Valid values are 1 to 7
Default Throughput Class
Use this Þeld to specify the value that will be inserted into a Call Request packet if
Throughput Class Negotiation is not enabled or if a throughput class is not
requested in the Call Request.This value should not be higher than the line speed
speciÞed for the physical port.
Enter a number 3 - 13 that corresponds to the following values (in bits per
3 = 75 7 = 1200 11 = 19.2K
4 = 150 8 = 2400 12 = 48K
5 = 300 9 = 4800 13 = 64K
6 = 600 10 = 9600
Closed User Group Member
This Þeld speciÞes whether the port belongs to a Closed User Group (CUG). The
CUG function is a privacy feature that allows the creation of up to 100 groups of
users per port. Members of a CUG can communicate with other members, but
access to and from network users outside that CUG may be denied (determined
by Rcv Calls Outside CUG and Make Calls Outside CUG).