
Chapter 11
Bridge Configuration
About FRX and SmartSwitch 1800 Bridging support; configuring device-level bridging parameters;
configuring bridge ports on frame relay and LAN interfaces
The FRX and SmartSwitch 1800 devices support bridging of LAN trafÞc over
Frame Relay. This bridging support includes:
¥ encapsulation of Ethernet and Token Ring trafÞc (per RFC 1490) for
transmission over Frame Relay
¥ Transparent Spanning Tree (802.1d) bridging
¥ compatibility with Source Route Bridging environments
¥ translational bridging between Ethernet and Token Ring LANs
¥ bridging of IP and IPX trafÞc.
Bridging is supported on Ethernet, Token Ring, and Frame Relay interfaces.
Configuring Device-Level Bridging Parameters
If the FRX4000, FRX6000, or SmartSwitch 1800 is going to support one or more
bridge ports (interfaces), certain device-level bridging parameters must be
conÞgured to deÞne bridge operation.
Using the Bridge ConÞguration window, you can conÞgure the device-level
bridging parameters. To access the window:
1. Click on to display the Device menu.
2. Drag down to Bridge Configuration, and release. The Bridge Configuration
window, Figure 11-1, will appear.