Management Information Base (MIB) Support
The 9G421-02/9G429-02 provides MIB support including
¥ RMON (RFC 1271)
¥ IETF MIB II (RFC 1213)
¥ IETF Bridge MIB (RFC 1493)
and a host of other Cabletron Enterprise MIBs.
The 9G421-02/9G429-02 uses LANVIEW
, the Cabletron Systems built-in visual
diagnostic and status monitoring system. With LANVIEW LEDs you can quickly
identify system status, as well as the device, port, and physical layer status. Two
LEDs indicate the transmission and reception of data from the INB SmartSwitch
9000 backplane connection. Each of the two Ethernet front panel ports feature two
LEDs per port indicating the portÕs Administrative status (enabled/disabled),
LINK status (Link/No link), and Data Activity (receiving and transmitting data).
Related Manuals
The Cabletron Systems manuals listed below may supplement the procedures
and technical data contained in this manual.
¥ SmartSwitch 9000 Installation Guide
¥ SmartSwitch 9000 9C300-1 Environmental Module UserÕs Guide
¥ SmartSwitch 9000 9C214-1 AC Power Supply UserÕs Guide
¥ SmartSwitch 9000 Local Management UserÕs Guide
¥ INB Terminator Modules Installation Guide
¥ Ethernet Technology Guide
¥ Cabling Guide
For a complete list of supported MIBs, refer to the release notes provided in the
9G421-02/9G429-02 package.