5. Wall Positioning Page Auto rotation
What is possible ?
Once the blocks are placed in a design, the software can make for each block a proposal how it should
be rotated in a string. Those blocks where the software cannot find a good solution are indicated with a
light blue background. Those blocks must be checked and manually rotated if necessary.
The blocks will be placed in the proposed position. An undo is still possible.
First method
1. Click on the Auto rotate icon ( ).
All block will be automatically rotated according the wiring. Those blocks for which the software finds
more than one favorable solution a good rotation are indicated with a light blue background. Manual
rotation of those blocks is still possible. (image 5-59)
Image 5-59
Auto rotate result
Second method
1. Right click in the workspace.
A popup window appears. (image 5-60)
2. Select Auto rotate.
The software will rotate the blocks for the best rotation. The blocks having more than one equally
favorable rotation, will have a light blue backgroun
d. Manual rotation is now possible. (image 5-59)
Image 5-60
Auto rotate View wire direction of a string
How to display ?
1. Right click in the workspace.
68 R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005