7. System Configuration
Image 7-14 Image 7-15
Scaling windows
Scaling via the Window Input Box
1. Select first a window.
2. Change the width and height value by pushing the + or - button.
by entering the new value with the keyboard. (image 7-16)
Note: The upper left corner is fixed during the scaling.
Image 7-16
Scaling via the Input Box
When a typical aspect ratio is associated with the selected window, the height and width
are linked to each other. When changing one of them, the other dimension will change
7.3.8 Making group changes to a window
What is possible?
The dimensions and the relative position of a window can be changed by entering new values in the
input bo
x but the changes will only be applied to the real window at the end after effectively applying the
changes. The preview in the workspace will change each time a value is adapted.
How to m
ake group changes
1. Select an input (window).
2. Click on
the group change icon. (image 7-17)
The background of the adjustable fields will change to white. The group change icon will blink. (im-
age 7-18)
3. Change the values for X, Y, W and H to the desired values.
4. Click on the blinking group change icon.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005