9. D320 Configuration
The possible choices to enter the frame rate (vertical frequency) of your video source are:
- PAL/SECAM (50Hz)
- Other : any frequency in the range 10 Hz to 64 Hz can be filled in.
2. Click
to abort the timings wizard
Use the
button to return to the previous page.
to continue with the next page.
Image 9-11
Wall resolution (when static or semi static images is selected)
1. Fill out the resolution of your wall. (image 9-12)
Horizontal resolution : pixels
Vertical resolution : lines
2. Click
to abort the timings wizard
Use the
button to return to the previous page.
to continue with the next page.
Image 9-12
Finishing the timings wizard
The final screen will give an overview of the calculated timings based on the entered data. It is still possible
to adjust the resolution and/or blanking settings according your needs.
1. Click with the mouse in the filled in field o
f the desired setting. (image 9-13)
2. Enter the new value.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005