13. Input Slots for D320 series
13.4.2 Image Processing
Adjustable from 0 to 15 with the corresponding slider.
Saturation is the intensity of the color, 0 will be black & white.
Adjustable from 0 to 63 with the corresponding slider.
Brightness is the intensity of the displayed signal.
Brightness will add or subtract ... to the luminance part of the signal.
Luma Tracking
Adjustable from 0 to 15 with the corresponding slider.
Luma Tracking adjusts the level of green haze appearing in the low lights.
Clip to Subblack
Adjustable from 0 to 15 with the corresponding slider.
Clip To Subblack will filter spurious LSB’s in low lights under black-level, to prevent that spuriou
appear in black planes, even after Dynamic Image Stabilization.
De-interlacing Mode
Select between :
• SMDI (Smart Motion De-Interlacing) : is effective when the source signal has interlaced fields between
• SMDI + Filmmode : is effective when the source signal has interlaced fields between frames and
enables 2 to 2/3 to 2 pull down processing.
• Line Repetition : is effective for a non-interlace field sources (static images). The lines of the odd field
will be doubled to obtain a complete image.
• Field Insertion : both fields of a interlaced image will be added together to form one de-interlaced
For normal video, SMDI should be selected.
Adjustment of the sharpness impression of the image in three frequency ranges (low, medium, high).
Adjust sharpness completely conform own preferences or use predefined preset.
13.4.3 Dynamic Image Stabilizer (DIS)
between 0 and 14.
Image Quality
Selection possible between :
• Normal : if the input signal is normal signal, select normal
• Noisy : if the input signal contains noise, select noisy to approve the
output signal.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005