• How reliable is the connection to the license server? On the local area network
(LAN)? On the wide area network (WAN)?
• Do you need the ability to check out licenses from the license pool?
• What kind of network hardware do client workstations encounter when
communicating with the server? Certain ports have to be opened by the network
administrator for FLEXlm software to work.
• What is your WAN uptime?
The answers to these questions help determine what FLEXlm tools to install and use for
training. Answers also help determine any hardware upgrades that may be required. You
also need to examine how you would like to share data.
• Do multiple people need simultaneous live connections to the project data?
• If so, how fast and reliable is the network connection?
• Dropped packets of data can cause irrecoverable model files. Are you
experiencing anything like this with any other application?
The answers here also help determine hardware requirements.
Installation Options: Network or Stand-Alone License
The next installation consideration is licensing. If your organization has stand-alone
licenses, you need to authorize each workstation individually. You also need a unique
license for each workstation running Civil 3D. If you have multiseat stand-alone licenses,
the products can be installed via a network deployment using a single serial number. The
first time the application is run, it is authorized via the Internet. If no Internet connection is
available, the software must be authorized manually. This step takes extra time, so be
sure to plan for it. Although installed via the network, multiseat stand-alone installations
share the same licensing characteristics as single-seat installations in that each
workstation installation requires a license.
Network licenses enable your organization to “pool” licenses, making them available to
workstations upon request. Each workstation has Civil 3D installed, but the software
functions only after a valid license has been obtained from the license server. The concept
behind floating licenses is that not all users are using Civil 3D simultaneously, and
therefore every workstation does not need its own license all the time (which is what
happens in single- and multiseat stand-alone installations). By pooling licenses, your
organization can purchase only the number of licenses needed. If the need for more
licenses later arises (for example, if employees are added to your organization), they can
be purchased and easily added to the license pool.
If using network licensing, you have a few more considerations and options than in the
stand-alone configurations. First, you need to schedule the installation of FLEXlm on the
license server. If you are already using FLEXlm for license management, determine the
version and upgrade the software if necessary. When scheduling the installation or
upgrade, be sure that you have administrator rights to the server, and verify that you can
reboot the server. You should also determine whether your organization requires FLEXlm
reporting tools. Finally, obtain a license file from your reseller or from the Autodesk
Business Center. This step requires the server name and MAC address of the license