Maintenance of the firm template file should be considered during deployment and
implementation planning.
The power of Civil 3D templates is that they can be created by a few people and then
shared throughout the company. Using AutoCAD options, users can be directed to a
company template every time they click the New button. This template file can also be
used after the creation stage to verify and enforce crucial appearance issues that make a
plan set usable.
Currently, styles can be modified in every Civil 3D drawing. This functionality enables the
user to modify styles to provide a specific appearance, but it also means that it’s easy to
modify a style away from the standard. CAD managers can use the tools in Civil 3D so
that the styles being used match the standard. In addition you should implement a
procedure for adding new styles to the company template.
User creation of new styles to address specific needs is an important part of the workflow
process for a design team using Civil 3D. As users work through real-world problems, they
need new permutations of styles and entirely new ones as well. Realizing this, the CAD
manager must act as the guardian of the template, adding new material and keeping out
styles that don’t reflect company standards or good plan production.
A successful approach should include vetting new styles as they are created. Ask users to
let you know when they modify a style or make a new one. Then find out why they did so.
A unique use case or labeling requirement should be investigated, understood, and added
to the template. By letting users in on the creation and development of the Civil 3D
template, you help others to feel involved in the process. As a result, they may be more
willing to invest their skills and time to make it as complete as possible. If the user didn’t
need a new style, but created one anyway, you have an opportunity to educate and find
out how you can make your styles easier to understand and use.
Your Civil 3D template should be in a read-only location for most users. This allows you to
vet any change to the template file before adding it. New style content can be dragged
from users’ production drawings back to the template using the Toolspace in Civil 3D,
allowing for convenient and simple updating of the template.