● The 7406 display voice terminal and the display console screen can
accommodate two lines of information. The 7406 voice terminal
display line can have a maximum of 16 characters. Each line of the
administrator/attendant console display can hold 40 characters; however,
as you dial numbers on the first line, the console display shows only 23
characters at a time.
● When a person at a 7406 voice terminal is not using a display feature, the
display screen is blank. When the display of a BIS-34D voice terminal, a
34-button BIS voice terminal, or an administrator/attendant console is not
being used, the screen shows the time, day, and date.
● To adjust the clarity of the display screen characters, turn the Contrast
thumbwheel (Viewing Adjustment Wheel on the 7406 display voice
terminal) until the numbers and letters are clear.
● Only the numbers for incoming intercom calls are displayed on the screen;
the display unit does not show the identification of calls coming in from
outside the system.
● The information appears on the screen for a maximum of 15 seconds. If
you hang up the handset or begin another voice terminal operation before
15 seconds have elapsed, the display disappears.
● If you call someone in your MERLIN II system who has a display voice
terminal, but the line is busy or the person does not answer, you can use
the Deliver Message feature to leave a message that you have called. You
can check messages on your display and have the MERLIN II system
automatically return calls by using other Leave Word Calling features.
For more information about these features, see “Leave Word Calling. ”
● Before you use the Timer feature on your display, you must lift your
As you administer the system at a display console, you can check the display
screen to verify the button you have touched or the number that you have
dialed. Follow the directions listed below under “Administration Mode, ”
To program a Stopwatch button for your 7406 display voice terminal, see the
programming directions under “Stopwatch.”
You can also program buttons for the Leave Word Calling features. (See
“Leave Word Calling. ” )
To use the features associated with the display unit, follow the instructions
NOTE: The display messages that you see on your voice terminal may
be slightly different from the ones printed here, according to the type
of display voice terminal that you are using.
MERLIN II System Features