Administration Procedure
Do This
Call Pickup Groups:
To assign voice terminals to groups
1 Touch Message.
2 Dial # 327.
Dial number of Call Pickup group (01 through 30).
4 Touch Auto Intercom button(s):
Steady green on
voice terminal in group
Green off =
voice terminal not in group
5 Touch Message.
Call Report:
To set time and date and administer
1 Touch Message.
Call Report options
(may be required for Night Service and
2 Dial #300, then dial current time (2 digits for hour, 2 digits for
Reminder Service)
minute in 24-hour format).
3 Dial #301, then dial current date (2 digits for month, 2 digits for
day, 2 digits for year).
Dial #390, then dial minimum call duration (2 digits for minutes).
Dial # 3910 to record outgoing calls only
Dial #3911 to record outgoing and incoming tails.
6 Touch Message.
To get a printout of Call Report
1 Touch Message.
2 Dial #390 # 900 and wait for beep.
3 Touch Message.
To set printer to scroll to top of page
1 Touch Message.
automatically. Printer must be off and
2 Dial #399.
scrolled to top of next page
3 Touch Message.
3-8 Button Code Administration Procedures