● Account Number Entry
These and the many other features and options available with the MERLIN II
system are explained in detail in this manual.
About the System Documentation
The information in this MERLIN II Communications System Manual is divided
into three sections, as described below.
Section 1: Introduction
This section tells you what’s in the manual, what other documentation is
provided for the system, and how to use it.
Section 2: Reference
This section contains detailed discussions of each component, option, and
feature in the MERLIN II system.
The entries are organized alphabetically to
help you find the information you need quickly. Administrators and users
can read through the appropriate entries to familiarize themselves with the
system and its features.
Section 3: Quick Reference Guides
The guides in this section give you quick access to streamlined administration
and programming procedures.
Use them if you’re familiar with the system
and want to find a particular procedure
OTHER MERLIN II SYSTEM Several types of guides are packaged in
System Guides
You’ll find copies of user and attendant
the binder with this system manual.
guides in the back of this binder.
Distribute those guides as soon as possible so people can learn how the
system works and how they can make the most of its optional features.
You’ll also find a MERLIN II Communications System Data Communications Guide
in the back of the binder. Refer to that guide only if your system includes
digital data equipment.
Installation and Administration Manual
The MERLIN II Communications System Installation and Administration Manual is
packaged with your system.
It contains instructions for installing the system,
a process that includes planning the system, installing hardware, and
performing initial system administration. Section 5 of that manual,
contains procedures for isolating and correcting any
problems with the system.
1-2 About the MERLIN II Communicatlons System