Administration Code
Other Number(s)
# 326
1 = 1 minute
Set the Camp On return interval.
2 = 2 minutes
3 = 3 minutes
4 = 4 minutes
5 = 5 minutes
# 327
01 through 30
Auto Intercom Assign a voice terminal to a Call Pickup
(Call Pickup group number)
# 328
Associate host system dial
code with
Drop, or
Transfer, then 6-
character code or
same button
# 329
0 = hotel/motel mode
Specify the operating mode for Extended
= CMS mode
Station Status (ESS).
# 330
Auto Intercom
Put attendant consoles into and out of
display mode.
# 333
A 2-digit hour (24-hour
To set Reminder Cancel time.
format), a 2-digit minute
Drop To remove Reminder Cancel.
# 335
To provide MERLIN II intercom dial tone.
To provide CO line dial tone.
# 390
00 through 99
Specify minimum length, in minutes, of
calls recorded for the Call Report feature.
# 900
Get a printout of Call Reports options.
# 391
0 = outgoing calls
Specify types of calls recorded for the Call
1 = incoming and
Report feature.
outgoing calls
# 399
Set the printer to scroll to the top of the
page automatically.
0 through 7 (list number) Auto Intercom Give a voice terminal access to the
numbers on an allowed list.
#5 0 through 7 (list number)
Add an entry (area code and/or exchange)
plus 0 through 9 (entry
to an allowed list.
number) plus an entry
To remove entry.
0 through 7 (list number) Get a printout of an allowed list.
plus o # 900
Administration Button Codes