System Messages
Introduction to System Messages
System messages are logged automatically in an event log when problems or
potential problems occur within the IVP System. The System Manager can
access the event log by choosing Event Log Report from the System Report
window. Use the procedures
Viewing the Event Log
Using the Explain
in Chapter 5 to read the Event Log Report. When an error message
is read from the event log, refer to this section to determine the user action to be
If the recommended action includes contacting a ‘‘field service representative,’’
call the appropriate customer support center for your telephone system. In this
case call the National Service Assistance Center (NSAC) at 1-800-628-2888 for
assistance or your AT&T Authorized Dealer.
Messages call attention to the following types of conditions:
software failures
hardware failures at the board level
diagnostic test results
alarm conditions
system restart conditions