Report Generation
Fax Channel Utilization Report
The Fax Channel Utilization Report provides you with information regarding how
much the fax channels are being used. This report presents the percentage of
fax channels being used every hour of the day. From this report, you can
determine when the system encounters heavy traffic. This report collects data
from the last reset time to the present.
Reset Log Option
From the alternate function keyset in the Fax Utilization Report window, press
F4 (RESETLOG). This will restart the call gathering information process.
Fax Channel Utilization Report Print
To obtain a complete printout of the Fax Channel Utilization Report, use
(PRINT). From the alternate function keyset in the Fax Channel Utilization
Report window, press
F2 (PRINT). Make sure the Voice System has all the
proper printer connections. Refer to the AT&T FACE documentation for
additional information on how to establish printer operations.
Fax Response Usage Report
The Fax Response Usage Report contains the number of callers that have
requested each of the fax messages in the Fax Response database. This report
lists the number of inquiries for each fax message in your database.
If you press
F1 (OPTIONS) from the alternate keyset, the Fax Response Usage
Report will also list the calling numbers for each fax message recorded by the
Calling Number Request feature, provided that the "Calling Number Request"
feature has been activated or the System Coversheet is active. This report
collects data from the last reset time to the present.
Reset Log Option
From the alternate function keyset in the Fax Response Usage Report window,
F6 (RESETLOG). This restarts the call gathering information process.
Fax Response Usage Print Option
To obtain a complete printout of the Fax Response Usage Report, use
(PRINT). From the alternate function keyset in the Fax Response Usage Report
window, press
F6 (PRINT). Make sure the Voice System has all the proper
printer connections. Refer to the AT&T FACE documentation for additional
information on how to establish printer operations.