System Operations
Displaying the System Status
The System Status report tells you whether the system is running or stopped. To
display the System Status report, follow these steps:
1. At the Configuration Management menu, move the cursor to System
Control and press
— The System Control menu appears.
2. At the System Control menu, move the cursor to Report Voice
System Status and press
— The Status of Voice System report appears. If the voice system is
up, it will say:
Voice System is up and running at run level 4.
If the voice system is stopped, it will say:
Voice system is down and stopped with run level 2.
3. Press
F6 (CANCEL) to return to the System Control menu.
Resetting the Voice System
You may need to reset the voice system to recover from certain errors. This
procedure consists of stopping the voice system, and then starting it. To reset
the voice system, perform the following steps:
1. At the Configuration Management menu, move the cursor to System
Control and press
— The System Control menu appears.
2. At the System Control menu, move the cursor to Stop Voice and press
— The Specify Wait Time form appears.
3. If the default of 180 seconds for graceful shutdown is unacceptable, enter
a new number of seconds from 60 to 600.
4. Press
F3 (SAVE).
— The system will stop answering calls immediately, but will allow the
specified amount of wait time for completion of calls already in
progress. A number of messages will appear on the screen.
5. When prompted, press
to continue.
6. Press
F6 (CANCEL) to return to the System Control menu.
7. At the System Control menu, move the cursor to Start Voice System
and press
— The voice system starts. A number of messages will appear on the
screen. If there are any problems with the Fax Mail database, a