Trouble Indication User Response
Fax messages cannot be
loaded in Fax Response.
Check to make sure that extensions
entered for fax channels on the Fax
Channel Administration screen are correct
as described previously.
Fax messages cannot be
printed using the PRINT key
in Fax Response.
Check to make sure that a valid fax
machine extension (or lp if you have a laser
printer connected to your system) is
entered in the "Destination for Printing" field
in the General Fax Parameter
Administration screen. Also be sure the
printer is administered and enabled.
Fax message left in the
system through Fax Mail
does not appear in the
correct mailbox.
When the mailbox of a subscriber is filled,
the FAX Attendant deposits the message in
the Fax Mail administrator’s mailbox or in
the General Mailbox if it is enabled. Check
to see if the mailbox of the would be
recipient is filled. This can be done by
generating the Subscribers Over Mailbox
Limit report.
The system complains about
extension size while adding
You must enter the desired extension size
in the "Maximum Extension Length" field in
the Voice System Parameter Administration