Performing Tests
TX Antenna Port Cable Calibration Test
Chapter 4
Performing Tests
TX Antenna Port Cable Calibration Test
This utility measures the signal loss through the cable used to connect the Test Set to
the Base Station TX Antenna Port. This loss must be known when making power
measurements. Once this value is measured, you should label the cable indicating the
loss through it for future use.
This routine requires the use of two external 6 dB attenuators (pads) and a short
calibration cable. These parts are not standard equipment with the Test Set, but are
included in the optional accessory kits (see “Accessory Kits” on page 17).
This test sends no control commands to the MSC.
Parameters and Specifications Used
The following specifications and parameters are used when running this test. See
Chapter 5, “Reference,” for descriptions of the specifications and parameters.
• 19. TX Antenna Port Cable Loss
Specifications (Pass/Fail Limits):
None used for this test.
Select and Run the Utility
Perform the TX Antenna Port Cable Calibration procedure as follows:
Step 1. From the Lucent CDMA Tests Main Menu screen, select the Calibration/Utilities
field. The Test Software will display the Calibration/Utilities Menu screen.
Step 2. Select the TX Antenna Port Cable Calibration field.
Step 3. Follow the displayed instructions to connect the 6-dB pads and calibration cable. Press
k1 (Proceed) key to continue.
Step 4. Follow the displayed instructions to connect the test cable in series with the calibration
cable and pads. Press the
k1 (Proceed) key to continue making the measurement.
Review the Results
The Test Software will display the measured insertion loss and test frequency. Press the
k1 (Proceed) key to continue.
The Test Software displays a query asking if you wish to store the insertion loss as the
TX Antenna Port Cable Loss. Use the knob to select Yes or No.
•If you select Yes, the Test Software will enter the value in the Test Configuration
Menu screen automatically. Unless you believe that the indicated loss is incorrect,
you should select Yes.
•If you select No, the Test Software will display a query asking if you wish to
Remeasure the loss or Return to the Calibration/Utilities Menu screen.