Performing Tests
Transmit Power Calibration Test (PCS Minicell)
Chapter 4
Transmit Power Calibration Test (PCS Minicell)
This test measures and calibrates the PCS Minicell RF transmit power. This test must
be performed with the Base Station out-of-service using the Base Station TX Antenna
Port. This test applies to both the 8-watt CDMA transmitter unit (CTU) and the 16-watt
high-power CDMA transmitter unit (HPCTU). Also, it allows for settings for custom
The basic procedure for testing at the Base Station Antenna Output Port is as follows:
• Determine and input to the Test Software which routine diagnostics are to be
inhibited on the Base Station during the test, and whether functional testing and call
processing are also to be inhibited on the Base Station. The Test Software will send
the appropriate CFR commands to the Base Station.
• If not already done, calibrate the Test Cables that will be used in measuring the Base
Station output power.
• Determine and input to the Test Software the type of power amplifier used in the
Base Station (CTU, HPCTU1, HPCTU2, HPCTU3, or HPCTU4). If you do not know
the amplifier type, contact your engineering department.
• Determine the BCR attenuation factor from the forms in an APX/RCV session. After
obtaining this information, input it to the Test Software. (You may use the BTS
Laptop Utility program SWITCH TERMINAL window to set the forms.
• Once the Amplifier Type and BCR Attenuation Factor have been identified to the
Test Software, it will determine the number of Channel Elements to add to the
carrier to perform the power calibration test.
• Based on the Amplifier Type and BCR Attenuation Factor, the Test Software will
determine the Calibration Power Level to be expected from the Base Station. This is
the power level to which the amplifier will be adjusted during the test.
• The Amplifier Type selected will require that certain translations be set in the forms
in an APX/RCV session. The Test Software will supply the translation values and
identify the forms on which to set those values. You may use the BTS Laptop Utility
program SWITCH TERMINAL window to set the forms.
NOTE IMPORTANT: If you change the translation values for this test, you must restore the
values at the end of the test.
• The Test Software will send commands to the Base Station to configure the BBA
under test and turn off the transmitter.
• Once the BBA stops transmitting, connect the test cables between the Test Set and
the Base Station Power Output to measure the power.
• The Test Software will issue commands to cause the BBA to start transmitting.
• The Test Software will display a power meter to allow you to adjust the Base Station
power to the proper range.
• The Test Software will display the Base Station power in watts and dBm on the Test
Set screen and in the BTS Laptop Utility program Test Results window.
• The Test Software will again turn off the transmitter.