Chapter 5
2. BBA Chan Stand [1=NAC 1=NAP 2=KP4]
This parameter specifies the channel or frequency assignment to be used.
• Select 1 for North American Cellular.
• Select 2 for North American PCS.
• Select 4 for Korean PCS P4.
3. BBA Channel Number
This parameter specifies the channel number for the BBA to be tested.
4. BBA PN Offset
This parameter specifies the PN offset for the BBA to be tested. If you are uncertain
of this value, run the “PN Offset Search Test” on page 79) to measure it.
5. GN Code Domain Power Threshold
This parameter specifies the level for code domain power measurements. The level of
each Walsh channel is compared to this threshold level. If it exceeds the threshold
value, the channel is considered active. If it falls below the threshold, the Walsh
channel is considered inactive.
NOTE The useful range for entries into the Code Domain Power Threshold parameter is 0 to
30 dB. If you enter a value outside of this range, the Test Software will use the
nearest value within the range.
On active Walsh channels (when running code domain test sequences), the Test
Software will measure and report:
• Code Domain Power
• Code Domain Timing
• Code Domain Phase
6. GN Print Inactive Walsh Codes [0=no 1=yes]
This parameter specifies whether inactive Walsh channels will be reported. It is used
with the Code Domain Power Threshold parameter. Walsh channels with levels
below the Code Domain Power Threshold parameter entry are considered inactive.
• Select 0 to cause the Test Software not to measure or report the inactive Walsh
• Select 1 to cause the Test Software to measure and report the code domain power
for each of the inactive Walsh channels.
7. GN Stop Test if results fail [0=no 1=yes]
This parameter specifies whether the Test Software will stop on a failed
measurement. An F appears in the P/F column of the test results to indicate a failure
of that data point.
• Select 0 to cause the Test Software to continue running if a measured value is not
within specifications.
• Select 1 to cause the Test Software to stop testing if a measured value is not
within specifications.