Performing Tests
Chapter 4
Performing Tests
Calibrating the Test Setup
If you did not know the Base Station TX Antenna Port Cable Loss, or the Base Station
TX Test Port Cable Loss, or the Base Station TX Coupler Losses when you entered the
data on the Base Station Configuration Menu screen, run the following calibration
routines to determine these losses. Determining these losses is crucial to obtaining
accurate test results.
Access these routines by loading and running the Test Software (see “Loading and
Running the Test Software” on page 23) and selecting Calibration/Utilities from
the Lucent CDMA Tests Main Menu screen. The Test Software will display the
Calibration/Utilities Menu screen (see Figure 4-1). After each measurement, the
program will enter the value automatically into the Test Software for future testing
(without your having to rerun the routines every time that you test). However, if you run
a different program after the measurements, you must re-measure (or re-enter) the
values the next time that you use the Test Software.
The Calibration procedures are:
• “TX Antenna Port Cable Calibration Test” on page 75. Run this utility to determine
antenna port cable losses at the frequency and power level at which testing will be
• “TX Test Port Cable Calibration Test” on page 76. Run this utility to determine test
port cable losses at the frequency and power level at which testing will be performed.
• “TX Test Port Calibration Test” on page 77. Run this utility to determine the exact
coupling factor (loss) of the Base Station TX Test Port.
Figure 4-1 Calibration/Utilities Menu Screen