
digital demod OP 6-12
video demod OP 7-15
U.K. English softkey HT
U.S. English softkey HT
UFG (LAN and 4 MB memory option)
UG7 (advanced LAN option) HT
UNCAL, definition of HT
units: x-axis HT
units: y-axis HT
user defined filters OP 17-18
vector averaging
See time averaging
vector diagram, example OP 6-5,
OP 7-12
vector measurements OP 13-8, HT
about vector mode HT
block diagram HT
block diagrams OP 12-5
overview OP 12-4
video averaging OP 14-3
video demodulation
See demodulation, video
video filtering OP 14-3
view state GS 6-9
volatile RAM disk
See disk drives
voltage selector switch
RF section GS 7-11
block diagram OP 18-6
center frequency, setting OP 7-4
VSB 8/16 softkey HT
waterfall HT
about waterfall displays HT
baselines, showing HT
displaying OP 5-1
elevation HT
hiding traces HT
markers, using HT
number of traces, setting HT
pausing HT
printing/plotting, formats HT
printing/plotting, overview HT
waterfall (continued)
recalling HT
saving HT
setting a threshold HT
skewing HT
spacing of traces HT
trace buffers, removing HT
trace height HT
trace, selecting HT
traces, position and baseline HT
usinginmathfunctions HT
when you can use them HT
y-axis scaling HT
window bandwidth
defined OP 14-18
values OP 14-18
windows HT
about windows HT
comparison HT
equivalent noise bandwidth HT
example GS 5-3
window bandwidth HT
window functions OP 14-6
window shapefactor HT
windows for gate time record HT
windows for main time record HT
x-axis scaling
See scaling
X-axis, scaling and markers OP 8-7
x-axis, scaling with markers HT
X-Windows, LAN use OP 10-7
X11 display, using
See lan
y-axis scaling
See scaling
zero padding OP 14-20
zero response OP 14-9
zero span measurements OP 15-2, HT
zoom measurements OP 13-8, OP 14-3,
GS = Getting Started Guide HT = Online Help
OP = Operator's Guide (press (Help) key)