
measured filter, selecting HT
measured signal
video demod OP 18-10
measured signal, digital demod OP 17-9
measurement calculations, disabling
measurement data, about HT
MEASUREMENT Group hardkeys HT
measurement points, defined HT
measurement resolution OP 14-11
measurement speed, enhancing HT
measurement state GS 6-9, HT
recalling HT
saving HT
measurement time OP 14-2,
OP 14-10, OP 14-17
measurements HT
continuing HT
displaying meas-state table HT
pausing HT
single-stepping HT
starting HT
about memory HT
capture RAM HT
erasing HT
for applications HT
for frequency points HT
for temporary math buffers HT
memory limitations OP 14-19
menu HT
minimum loss pad GS 7-18
mirror freq on/off softkey HT
mirrored spectrums OP 18-17
Mkr Val HT
model number
IF section GS 7-10
RF section GS 7-11
connecting external GS 7-16
MSK softkey HT
NADC (North American Digital
Cellular) HT
NADC demodulation, example OP 6-4
NAN, meaning of HT
narrowband measurements OP 13-8
network measurements GS 5-1
Network, Local Area
NO DATA, definition of HT
noise equivalent bandwidth OP 14-18
noise, measuring OP 4-1, GS 2-1
non-volatile RAM disk
See disk drives
normalization OP 8-4, HT
numeric entry softkeys HT
video demod OP 7-13
offset marker
See markers
offset, in digital demod OP 6-8
online help GS 1-1
See Help hardkey
operating environment GS 7-9, GS 7-19
options, installing HT
options, temporary HT
origin offset
See demodulation, digital
output filter on/off softkey HT
output z softkey (source) HT
OV1 or OV2, definition of HT
oven frequency reference GS 7-7
OVEN REF OUT connector HT
over LED HT
description of HT
usingtosettherange HT
overlap processing HT
packing a disk HT
parallel devices, setting up GS 6-2
parallel port GS 7-15, HT
pausing a measurement HT
PCL (printer control language) HT
PDC (Personal Digital Cellular) HT
peak search HT
peak track softkey HT
peak tracking, example OP 3-3
peak-hold averaging
See averaging
performance test softkey HT
periodic chirp softkey HT
peripherals, use of GS 6-2
phase GS 5-7
displayed GS 4-2
GS = Getting Started Guide HT = Online Help
OP = Operator's Guide (press (Help) key)