
time data OP 14-15
time data softkey HT
time domain overview OP 13-2
time gating HT
about time gating HT
displaying gate time-record HT
gate delay HT
gate length HT
selecting a window HT
turning on/off HT
See also gating
time points, digital & video
demodulation HT
time record OP 13-7, OP 14-16, HT
about the time record HT
applying a window HT
coupling to span HT
displaying gate time-record HT
displaying main time-record HT
effects of averaging HT
effects of demodulation HT
effects of span HT
gate length HT
main length HT
real vs. complex data HT
time record length
and memory OP 14-19
defined OP 14-16
limitations OP 14-19
time record size
defined OP 14-16
time resltn softkey HT
time softkey (averaging) HT
time, changing HT
time-domain analysis HT
time-domain data, displaying HT
traces HT
about traces HT
activating multiple traces HT
adding a title HT
adding trace information HT
auto correlation HT
capture buffer contents HT
changing colors HT
coherence HT
coordinates HT
cross correlation HT
cross spectrum HT
traces (continued)
data register contents HT
disabling meas. calculations HT
displaying group delay HT
displaying linear magnitude HT
displaying log magnitude HT
displaying multiple traces HT
frequency response HT
hiding HT
imaginary part displaying HT
instantaneous spectrum HT
marker annotation HT
math functions HT
modifying trace labels HT
multiple GS 5-7
multiple active GS 5-7
overlaid OP 6-10
overlaying HT
phase, displaying HT
real part (real data), dispaying HT
recalling HT
saving HT
scaling data, overview HT
selecting measurement data HT
spectrum HT
time-domain data HT
trace boxes HT
See also display
See also grids
transporting GS 7-20
trellis diagram, using HT
trigger HT
about trigger HT
analog demodulation OP 15-13, HT
available trigger signals HT
delay HT
external arm, using with trigger HT
external trigger HT
free run trigger HT
GPIB trigger HT
IF channel trigger HT
input channel trigger HT
level HT
slope HT
source trigger HT
trigger holdoff HT
trigger LED HT
trigger line HT
trigger type softkey HT
troubleshooting, digital demod HT
GS = Getting Started Guide HT = Online Help
OP = Operator's Guide (press (Help) key)