
ch1 + j*ch2 receiver HT
changing numeric parameters HT
channel 1
See input channels
channel 1 and 2 connectors HT
channel 2
See input channels
circulation, air GS 7-9
cleaning the screen GS 7-19
clear source trip softkey HT
coherence GS 5-8, HT
color index softkey HT
color, adjusting HT
frequency reference GS 7-7
IF section to RF section GS 7-7
minimum loss pad GS 7-18
AUI GS 7-14
external monitor GS 7-16
external reference GS 7-7
grounding requirements GS 7-3
GPIB GS 7-16
input GS 7-8
keyboard GS 7-17
oven reference GS 7-7
parallel GS 7-15
serial GS 7-15
source GS 7-8
system interconnect GS 7-16
ThinLAN GS 7-14
connectors, front panel connectors HT
connectors, rear panel connectors HT
constellation diagram
example OP6-5,OP7-12
using HT
continuing a measurement HT
continuous sweep, selecting HT
cooling GS 7-9
coordinates, trace
See traces
copying files between 3.5 inch
diskettes HT
cords, power GS 7-3
correlation HT
auto correlation HT
cross correlation softkey HT
cross-correlation, math function HT
bandwidth OP 14-4
cross spectrum measurements HT
CW (fixed sine) softkey HT
data comment header HT
data format hardkey HT
data registers HT
about data registers HT
displaying data-register contents HT
removing HT
DATA?, definition of HT
date, changing HT
dc measurements OP 14-9
dc offset softkey HT
dc response OP 14-9
decibels HT
DECT (digital european
cellular telephone) HT
demodulation, analog HT
about analog demodulation HT
affects on bandwidth HT
AM demodulation HT
auto carrier HT
averaging OP 15-13
block diagram OP 15-3, HT
carrier frequency, displaying HT
carrier locking OP 15-8
examples OP 1-1
FM demodulation HT
gating OP 15-13, OP 16-5
making zero span measurements HT
overview OP 12-6
PM demodulation HT
triggering OP 15-13, HT
two channel measurements HT
See also AM, FM, PM demodulation
demodulation, digital HT
about digital demodulation HT
aliasing, IQ measured spectrum HT
amplitude droop (in symbol table) HT
averaging HT
block diagrams OP 17-3, HT
carrier frequency error
(in symbol table) HT
carrier locking HT
connections HT
constellation diagram HT
GS = Getting Started Guide HT = Online Help
OP = Operator's Guide (press (Help) key)