Remote Commands
The Common Commands
(High performance, high return loss version),
the string returned is High Performance,
High Return Loss.
Example OUTPUT 728;"*OPT?"
ENTER 728;A$
Syntax *RCL <wsp> <location>
≤ location ≤ 9
Definition An instrument setting from the internal RAM is
made the actual instrument setting (this does
not include GPIB address or parser, the
attenuation resolution or the power on setting).
You recall user settings from locations 1-9. See
“*SAV” on page 100. Location 0 contains the
default setting, which is the same as that
obtained by *RST.
Example OUTPUT 728;"*RCL 3"
Syntax *RST
Definition The reset setting (default setting) stored in
ROM is made the actual setting.
Instrument state: the instrument is placed in the
idle state awaiting a command.
The following are not changed:
• GPIB (interface) state
• Instrument interface address
• Output queue