Using the Attenuator
Example, Setting the Calibration
c. Set the wavelength on the attenuator to that of the source:
i. Press
ii. Use the modify keys to edit the value for the
d. Reset the calibration factor, by pressing and holding C
for two seconds.
e. Reset the attenuation factor, by pressing and holding ATT
for two seconds.
f. Enable the output of the attenuator (press ENB/DIS so that
the LED lights).
g. Note the value for the loss read by the multimeter.
3. Enter the insertion loss of the hardware setup.
a. Press C
b. Edit the calibration factor so that it has the value shown on
the multimeter display, using the modify keys.
You should notice that the value for the attenuation factor changes,
and always has the same value as that for the calibration factor. This
is because the filter attenuation stays at zero (you should also notice
that the display on the multimeter does not change).
The attenuator now shows its full attenuation (including its own
insertion loss) on the display.