Definition of Terms
Measurement: either with a fiber-loop type polarization controller
using the polarization scanning method, or with a wavelength type
polarization controller using the Mueller method.
Polarization mode dispersion
The change of transit time caused by changing the input
polarization state, expressed in fs (10
Conditions: Generation of all polarization states (covering the
entire Poincar sphere.
Measurement: with the Agilent Technologies polarization
The random uncertainty in reproducing the attenuation after
changing and re-setting the attenuation. The repeatability is
± half
the span between the maximum and the minimum attenuations,
expressed in dB.
Conditions: uninterrupted line voltage, constant wavelength
setting, temperature within
±1 K, constant input polarization state.
Measurement: with an optical power meter.
Return loss
The ratio of the incident power to the reflected power, expressed in
Conditions: jumper cables with high-quality connectors on both
attenuator ports. Arbitrary attenuation setting. Applicable to both
attenuator ports, with the respective second port terminated (zero
Measurement: with a return loss meter, using a Fabry-Perot type
laser source. The measurement result includes attenuator-internal
reflectances and reflectances from both attenuator ports.
Wavelength range The range of wavelengths to which the
specifications apply.