If you now see the “Select an instrument” menu labels:
Go to the beginning of this chapter and try the menus.
Turn the mainframe off and then on again.
Using a Terminal
Without Menus
You can still control instruments installed in your mainframe without using the
terminal interface menus. In this case you will send Common Commands and
SCPI commands to your instruments by typing them on your terminal keyboard,
or through a computer interface.
Selecting Instruments To send commands to, and receive responses from an instrument, you must first
select that instrument. Two commands are provided to select instruments. They
are; SI (Select Instrument), and SA (Select Address). These commands only
work from the “Select an instrument” prompt. The commands can be typed in
upper case or lower case.
SI SI selects an instrument by its name, exactly as it would appear in the “Select an
instrument” menu (see Table 3-2). If your mainframe has more than one
instrument with the same name, follow the name with a comma (,) and the
desired instrument’s logical address. Here are some examples of SI commands:
si voltmtr (selects a voltmeter instrument)
si switch (selects a switchbox instrument)
SI SWITCH (same as above)
si switch,16 (selects switchbox at logical address 16)
SA SA selects an instrument by its logical address. For multiple module
instruments, use the logical address of the first module in the instrument. For
example; SA 8 selects the instrument at logical address 8. When you have
selected an instrument, the terminal interface will respond with an instrument
prompt which is the instrument’s menu name followed by its logical address
(e.g. VOLTMTR_8:).
Menu Name Instrument
SYSTEM The System Instrument (built-in to the mainframe)
VOLTMTR Agilent E1326A Standalone, or Agilent E1326A
Scanning Voltmeter Modules
SWITCH Switchbox composed of one or more Agilent
Multiplexer Modules
DIG_I/O Agilent E1330A Quad 8-Bit Digital Input/Output
IBASIC Optional IBASIC interpreter
COUNTER Agilent E1332A 4-Channel Counter/Totalizer, or
Agilent E1333A Universal Counter Modules
D/A Agilent E1328A Digital to Analog Converter
Table 3-2. Instrument Names for the SI Command
Using the Display Terminal Interface 3-21