VXI The VXI command subsystem provides for:
• Determining the number, type, and logical address of the devices
(instruments) installed in the E1300/E1301 mainframe.
• Direct access to VXIbus A16 registers within devices installed in the
Subsystem Syntax VXI
:READ? < logical_addr>,<register_num>
:READ? < numeric_value.| < register_name>
:WRITe < numeric_value> | < register_name>
:SELect < numeric_value>
:WRITe < logical_addr>,<register_num>,<data>
VXI:CONF:DLAD? returns a comma separated decimal numeric list of device
logical addresses currently installed in the mainframe. If the Command Module
is not the resource manager, it only returns the logical addresses of the devices
in its servant area.
Comments • Use the VXI:CONF:DNUM? command to determine the number of
values which will be returned by VXI:CONF:DLAD?.
• Use each of the logical addresses returned by VXI:CONF:DLAD? with
VXI:CONF:DLIS? to determine the types of devices installed.
• VXI:CONF:DEVICELAD? is also accepted.
• This command has been retained for compatibility with existing
programs. For new programs you should use the VXI:CONF:LADD?
• Related Commands: VXI:CONF:DLIS?, VXI:CONF:DNUM?,
Example Determining the device addresses within the system
VXI:CONF:DLAD? query for list of addresses.
enter statement list of addresses.
VXI:CONFigure :DLADdress?
7-54 System Instrument Command Reference