System Instrument Menu
Menu Levels and Content
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 User Entry Command(s) Used Description
(continued from previous page)
CONTROL DTR READ card number SYST:COMM:SER[n] :CONT:DTR? Read current setting for DTR line
SET ON card number SYST:COMM:SER[n] :CONT:DTR ON Set DTR line to static + V
OFF card number SYST:COMM:SER[n] :CONT:DTR OFF Set DTR line to static -V
IBFULL card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:CONT:DTR IBF Set DTR for hardware handshaking
STANDRD card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:CONT:DTR STAN DTR operates to RS-232 standard
RTS READ card number SYST:COMM:SER[ n] :CONT:RTS? Read current setting for RTS line
SET ON car d number SYST:COMM: SER[ n] :CONT:RTS ON Set RTS l ine to stati c + V
OFF card number SYST:COMM:SER[n] :CONT:RTS OFF Set RTS line to static -V
IBFULL card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:CONT:RTS IBF Set RTS for hardware handshaking
STANDRD car d number SYST:COMM: SER[ n] :CONT:RTS STAN RTS operates t o RS-232 st andard
STORE card number DIAG:COMM:SER[n]:STORE Store current serial communications
settings into non-volatile storage.
DEBUG READ laddr, reg_num VXI:READ? < laddr> ,< reg> Read register in A16 address space.
WRITE laddr,
reg_num, data
VXI:WRIT <laddr>,<reg>,<data> Write data to register in A16 address space.
TIME READ SYST:TIME? Read the current system clock
SET time SYST:TIME < time> Set the system clock
DATE READ SYST:DATE? Read the current system calendar
SET date SYST:DATE < date> Set the system calendar
RESET DIAG:BOOT Resets mainframe using the configuration
stored in non-volatile memory
Using the Display Terminal Interface 2-15