Error Messages and Causes
Code Message Cause
-101 Invalid character Unrecognized character in specified parameter.
- 102 Syntax error Command is missing a space or comma between
- 103 Invalid separator Command parameter is separated by some
character other than a comma.
- 104 Data type error The wrong data type (i.e. number, character,
string expression) was used when specifying a
- 108 Parameter not allowed Parameter specified in a command which does
not require one.
- 109 Missing parameter No parameter specified in the command in
which a parameter is required.
- 113 Undefined header Command header was incorrectly specified.
- 123 Numeric overflow A parameter specifies a value greater than the
command allows.
- 128 Numeric data not allowed A number was specified for a parameter when a
letter is required.
- 131 Invalid suffix Parameter suffix incorrectly specified
(e.g. .5SECOND rather than .5S or .5SEC).
- 138 Suffix not allowed Parameter suffix is specified when one is not
- 141 Invalid character data The discrete parameter specified is not allowed
(e.g. TRIG:SOUR INT - INT is not a choice.)
- 178 Expression data not allowed A parameter other than the channel list is
enclosed in parentheses.
- 211 Trigger ignored Trigger occurred while the Pacer is in the idle
state, or a trigger occurred from a source other
than the specified source.
- 222 Data out of range The parameter value specified is too large or too
- 224 Illegal parameter value The numeric value specified is not allowed.
- 240 Hardware error Hardware error detected during power-on cycle.
Return multimeter to Agilent for repair.
- 310 System error If caused by *DMC, then macro memory is full.
- 350 Too many errors The error queue is full as more than 30 errors
have occured.
- 410 Query interrupted Data is not read from the output buffer before
another command is executed.
- 420 Query unterminated Command which generates data not able to
finish executing due to a multimeter
configuration erorr.
- 430 Query deadlocked Command execution cannot continue since the
mainframe’s command input, and data output
buffers are full. Clearing the instrument restores
1500 External trigger source
already allocated
"Event In" signal already allocated to another
instrument such as a Switchbox.
2002 Invalid logical address A value less than 0 or greater than 255 was
specified for logical address.
2003 Invalid word address An odd address was specified for a 16 bit read or
write. Always use even addresses for 16 bit
(word) accesses.
2005 No card at logical address A non-existent logical address was specified with
the VXI:READ? or VXI:WRITE command.
2101 Failed Device VXI device failed its self test.
2102 Unable to combine device Device type can not be combined into an
instrument such as a scanning voltmeter or a
2103 Config warning, Device
driver not found
ID of device does not match list of drivers
available. Warning only.
2105 Config error 5, A24 memory
More A24 memory installed in the mainframe
than can be configured into the available A24
memory space.
2108 Config error 8, Inaccessible
A24 memory
A24 memory device overlaps memory space
reserved by the mainframe’s operating system.
Table B-2. Error Messages and Causes
Error Messages B-3