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Bit 5 -Alarm, Low Temperature
Bit 7 -Alarm, Low Pressure
Bit 14 -Alarm, Phase Reversed or Lost
(44H) Status, machine 2 poll-Returns the status of the machine as 16 flag bits in open
format. The following bits are supported. The rest are set to 0.
Bit 0 -Processing
Bit 1 -Alarm, System
Bit 2 -Alarm, Process
Bit 3 -Alarm, Machine
Bit 4 -Fault, Sensor, Delivery
Bit 5 -Fault, Sensor, Return
(48H) Mode, Machine Poll-Returns the current status of temperature control unit if the
machine is On (1) or Off{O).
(49H) Mode, Machine Select-Commands the temperature control unit to turn On(1) or
Bit 0- Machine On/Off, Bit 1 -Alarm Acknowledge
(70H) Temperature, to process poll-Returns the delivery temperature in numeric format.
(72H) Temperature, from process poll -Returns the return temperature in numeric