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1. Put a jumper on pins 2 and 3 of JMP2 on the main PC board to select the T/C input
2. Connect the “J” thermocouple calibration source to pins 3 (+) and 4 (-) on the J5
connector on the main PC board.
3. Select the “LOCalJTC(25C)” parameter.
4. Set the “J” thermocouple low calibration source to 25ºC. Use the Up and Down
buttons to change the value on the display to 25.0.
5. Press the Enter button to save the value.
6. Select the “HICalJTC(345C)” parameter.
7. Set the “J” thermocouple high calibration source to 345ºC. Use the Up and Down
buttons to change the value on the display to 345.0.
8. Press the Enter button to save the value.
9. Cycle between the Low and High parameters and readjust the values if needed to
compensate for any interaction that may occur between the two parameter