Chapter 5: Advanced Operation
5-1 Using the Analog Remote Input
This feature is typically setup at the factory, but can be installed as a retrofit in the field. It is
used to accept a remote analog setpoint value or flow value. If the analog signal is set up for
remote setpoint input, the Up and Down arrow keys are locked out for changing the
at the controller. The analog signal can be configured to be 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-5 VDC, 1-
5 VDC, 0-10 VDC, or 2-10 VDC via jumper 4 and menu selection.
When two or more electrical devices are connected to a common ground
through different paths a difference in potential between ground
current to flow within the interconnecting wiring, and could potentially
damage either or both devices. An optical isolator is recommended for these
instances and ACS Group offers this as an option when it is known that a PLC
will be generating the analog signal.
Use the following procedure to set up the Analog Remote Input:
1. Press the Index button two times to access the Secondary menu.
2. Press the Enter button.
3. Press the Index button until the display reads “Remote Input.”
4. Press the Enter button.
5. Use the Up and Down buttons to change value to either SETP for setpoint or FLOW
for flow.
6. Press the Enter button.
7. Press the Index button one time to access the “Remote Signal” parameter.
8. Press the Enter button.
9. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the range of the analog input.
10. Press the Enter button.
11. Press the Alarm Silence button to return to Running mode.
From the factory, the remote setpoint temperature range is set up to be the same as the
the controller (Water: 0°F to 250°F; Oil: 0°F to 550 °F). These parameters can be changed
through the Secondary Menu.
Use the following procedure to adjust the remote setpoint temperature range:
1. Press the Index button two times to access the Secondary menu.
2. Press the Enter button.
3. Press the Index button until the display reads “Remote SetPtLo” for the low limit, or
“Remote SetPtHi” for the high limit.
4. Press the Enter button.
5. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the value.
6. Press Enter to accept the value change.
7. Press the Alarm Silence button to return to Running mode.
If there is no signal present, the controller’s setpoint will automatically
default to 0 °F.